I can find little information about growing Ellisiophyllum in books or on the web (other than botanical descriptions) and I wonder if anyone can offer insights to its likely behaviour in the garden. I have a pot of it, and am reluctant to plant it until I know whether it is likely to get away on me, whether it would stay removed when one removes it or would regenerate from roots, and so on. I'd appreciate any experience or references to it. Thanks!
Karin, It appears to be an herb and spreads by underground runners. Here's a picture I found that shows it's habit. http://exoten.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/archiv.cgi?function=4&index=000000F6 I found this descriptive info in German and used a translator. The plant is listed at the bottom of the page here. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lippenblütlerartige The translation from Babel Fish: Crug Farm in the UK has it listed here with this description. http://www.mailorder.crug-farm.co.uk/default.aspx?pid=8346 The fact that they mention growing it in a pot leads me to believe it might be invasive. Frasier's Thimble Farms has it listed on their plant list. Maybe you could contact them and ask. http://www.thimblefarms.com/plantindex.html Newt
It's a lovely little groundcover, an inch or so high, with ferny leaves and a small white flower. It tolerates shade and spreads moderately quickly, but is not rampant or invasive, and has fairly shallow, delicate roots. It I have quite a lot of it and find it very useful and attractive.