Hello, My Echeverria is losing a lot of leaves from underneath. I am watering sparingly in the winter months and have the plant in a south facing window. When purchasing the plant, we were told it would be normal to lose some leaves from underneath, but I think this may be excessive. Also, do I need to cut the stalks in order for the plant to flower again next season?( A couple of the stalks have turned a purplish blue.) Should I be transplanting the smaller plants that have started underneath? Any tips on caring for this plant would be most welcome--I really love it and am beginning to feel a little desperate as it is not looking so healthy these days. The care instructions I was given was to water once every 3-6 wks in the winter and have it in a cool but sunny location. Thank you. Livia (Montreal)
All Echeveria do this with age. The ones I still have at home I cut the biggest heads off each spring and basically start over. There's nothing you've done wrong it's natural. When you cut the top let it sit for 2 or so days before replanting and seriously hold back on watering until roots have formed. The smaller ones remaining will continue to grow and you'll be able to cut them when they are too big. It's a bit of a cycle.
The offsets look a little leggy, may need more light. I grow mine under lights in winter (zone 6, New Jersey, USA) if that helps. And I also cut off their heads when mine get leggy or old with bare stems. Very easy to re-start lots of succulents this way. Lovely color of your plants. Good luck with them.