7 June 2007 Eccremocarpus scaber (Chilean Glory Vine) This plant was started from seed in November 2006. It grew so well that it was folded back on itself. It was planted outdoors on 20 May 2007, and immediately produced the pretty, red, trumpet shaped flowers in clusters. There are three plants in different locations and all are thriving. It will be interesting to see how large it will grow.
Are you growing it as an annual, or planning to bring it back indoors for the winter? I can't see it surviving an Ontario winter outside!
The Chilean Glory Vine will be grown as an annual in Zone 5. It grew well from seed started indoors. This was my first attempt at growing the plant.
Eccremocarpus scaber (Chilean Glory Vine) 7 June 2007 Eccremocarpus scaber (Chilean Glory Vine) 27 June 2007 Pictures indicating growth. A hummingbird sampled the flowers one day, but never returned. 15 July 2007 Pictures indicating the astonishing growth. Update to indicate growth. This Chilean Glory Vine is thriving. The vegetation is loaded with flowers. One plant is along a fence with a limited height trellis and the other has a full eight foot trellis.