It wouldn't be nectar coming from fruits, that comes from flowers. So, whether safe to ingest or not it may not taste like nectar at all.
whatever it may be its a clear thick substance tastes sweet comes from the fruit after its open , what else could it be if not nectar?
Genus not listed in index of exhaustive Cornucopia II so I wouldn't eat much more of the secretion without finding indications somewhere of it being edible. Maybe search internet with phrase like "croton ediblity" to see what you can find. Plant doesn't seem like it would be suitable but if the stuff hasn't burned a whole in your tongue maybe it's OK - at least in small amounts. Or, it might have an unpleasant aspect that kicks in after awhile!
lmao , cool um well no burning through my tougue...yet and no other side effect as of yet ill keep you informed if i get sick