I bought 3 different eating grapes and 2 merlot and 2 cabernet grapes... I know I can espalier the wine grapes on wires but I am wondering if this is the prefered way to grow Emerald Lake,Concord and Flame? I am also moving a Globe and it has never done much where it is at.... How many wires how far apart etc??? I am in S TX (Navasota) The soil is a limestone base with black clay on top... It seems to drain well and holds water nicer than sand! Thanks Cat This is my first try with grape
Hi Cat, Yes it is the prefered way to grow table grapes. Construct a trellis system with at least 4 wires, preferably a slanted trelles or arbor, that will expose the shoots to the much needed sunlight. Space the wires not closer than 250mm or +- 9 to 10 inches apart , otherwise your vine will be to compact and you need some air flow (ventilation) through the vine - this will help you in keeping the vine disease free (powerdy mildew for example). Plant the vines not closer than 5 feet apart. Don't know about Emeral, but the others are puned with short bearers, so you dont need that much space on the trellis as you would have with a cultivar pruned with cane bearers. For more info go visit My-Grape-Vine.com Have a grape (great day) Danie "The Grape Guy"
Thanks Danie, I thought it would be a good way to go! I was not sure of the spread on the wires so your info hit the mark... I may get the wires up this week if all goes well and the grapes into the ground... come spring I hope to have them doing well! Cat
WAIT!! Hi Cat, what season are you in? Winter? The best time to plant a grape vine is early spring, don't plant the vines during the winter. Danie