Dying Schefflera :(

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Dev, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Dev

    Dev Member

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    Hello, newbie here and also bona fide plant killer. I'm the worst combination of plant lover and brown thumb (or whatever the opposite of green thumb is.)

    Last week I pulled about a million dead leaves off of my Schefflera tree but it wasn't until today when I looked at a picture of him when I first got him that I realized how bad it had gotten. It's pretty obvious which is the before and which is the after. Poor tree.

    My friend (frauleinlayla on this forum) said I should post the other pics to give you guys a good idea of what shape he's in. The leaves in my hand were browning so I went to lift them for a picture and they fell off.

    I got him two years ago and I think he's been in his current pot for about a year. It has no drainage (which I now realize is dumb but didn't at the time.) He sits in a north-facing window - I live in an apartment and all the windows are north facing.

    I tend to do the forget to water/overwater to compensate thing, but when I do water regularly I do it a little everyday. I live in the South so it's just now warming up here, although nights are still getting cold. I don't know what kind of soil I used to repot him.

    Is he savable? Any help would be awesome. All the plants I bought at the same time as him have kicked the bucket. He's the last plant standing!

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  2. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    well, there are a few things.

    Repot using a good fast draining soil (Miracle Grow potting soil is something easy to find and isn't the *worst* thing you can use. Also use a pot that drains freely.

    Don't water a little bit every day, this is probably one of the main reasons it's dying. You end up over-watering.

    Move it to a sunnier location, and when you water, take it outside or to the sink, and water thoroughly until water flows freely through the holes. Don't let it sit in water, this will lead to root rot.

    After you have watered it, leave it until it's dry to about your second knuckle (just stick your finger down in the soil) then water it in the same fashion. If you aren't sure it's time for another watering, then wait another day.
    As far as location, North is the side of your home that gets the least amount of sunlight per day, and no direct sunlight. I'd suggest a south or west facing window.

    Good luck!!!

    I would also like to add that you can prune it to promote root growth and also give it a jumpstart to a new, healthy life! Cut off all of the damaged/yellowing parts. Don't be afraid, these parts will in no way help, but only hinder its recovery.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2009
  3. frauleinlayla

    frauleinlayla Active Member

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    Morgantown, WV
    Hi Dev and Laticauda! =)

    Yeah, I was also gonna say maybe you're overwatering. I water my schefflera (it's the small, bushy type) about once a week, or if the soil is pretty dry. Dev, I would definitely use the "second knuckle rule" as suggested! =) If you still feel a tiny bit of moisture, wait another day or two!

    Can you at all move the plant closer to that window? Even if it's just a north window, try to get it into the best position for the light to get to it. I get really silly with trying to get my plants into the light... my Schefflera and Dieffenbachia currently reside on the floor in the middle of my tiny kitchen. Not the most convenient for me, but it makes them happy, heh.
  4. Dev

    Dev Member

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    Thank you! I will put down the watering can and get him a new pot.

    Unfortunately all my windows are north-facing (and he's right up against one of them.)

    How do Schefflera feel about extreme temperatures? In the summer it gets into the 90s pretty much every day, then down into the 80s at night. It's also REALLY humid. I can take him outside for some good sunlight during the day, but will the heat be too much for him?
  5. frauleinlayla

    frauleinlayla Active Member

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    Morgantown, WV
    I'd actually be interested in the extreme temperature question, too! I've had my schefflera for maybe 6 months, but summer is coming up! Anyone? =)

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