Dying plant, please help?

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by deedlelu, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. deedlelu

    deedlelu Member

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    Bay Area

    I got a beautiful small italian stone pine plant for xmas and I think its dying. The pot it came in did not drain, and I really know nothing of plant care so I did not realize this was a problem. It looked great until a couple weeks ago the ends of all the branches started wilting and drooping.

    After talking to a few friends I realized the roots were drowning so I purchased a draining pot and replanted it with new soil. The soil around the roots was dripping wet so I shook off as much of it as I could and hoped it would come back to life in its new pot.

    Its been about 5 days and its looking worse every day. The pine needles are all dry and brittle and have turned a dark green color.

    Should I trim off the ends of the branches? Trim the roots? Feed it miracle grow? I have no clue what I am doing but I really really want to save this tree.

    Thank you,
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Suspect it is already too late, unfortunately. Can you post a photo?
  3. deedlelu

    deedlelu Member

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    Bay Area
    I will take pictures tonight and update my post. If its too late for the whole plant is there any way of taking a clipping and replanting it? I dont know if this works for trees too...
  4. corcor

    corcor Active Member

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    nebraska, usa
    cuttings work with live trees scratch some bark off if its green underneath its still alive. Take it out of the pot and bare the roots look for anything black and slimy and cut it off, its rot, if its all that way im sorry for your loss, at least you will have that experience behind you and can learn from it. Remember that everybody kills plants when first starting. Good luck
  5. deedlelu

    deedlelu Member

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    Bay Area
    Yeah, after I posted this I went home and tried pulling it out of the pot and trimming back some roots. Nothing was slimy but the roots were dark brown/black no matter how far I cut them back. I also tried scratching the bark but it was all brown underneath, I couldnt find any green. I'm pretty sure its dead now. Its a bummer but yes, I will definitely learn from this experience. Thank you for your kind words :)

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