My hops plant is dying from the bottom up. The leaves turn a brown to red color and dry up. There are no visible bugs. The plant is on full season old it faces north and gets sun in the AM and early PM through the lattice fence it is climbing on. What could this be? What chemicals are safe to use on Hops plants and what should I fertilize with. Thanks
Has it been dry where you are? They don't like to dry out. Not sure what you mean by using chemicals. What do you need chemicals for? I wouldn't fertilize this vine. It's best not to fertilize most perennial vines as that produces lots of top growth at the expense of flowers. How long has it been in the ground? Newt
the plant is one season old. By chemicals I mean if this plant has a fungis of sorts what could I spray on it to kill this fungis. I do not see any bugs so that is not what is hurting the plant. It has had plenty of water and I do fertilize it with 20 20 20. Diane
Diane, the problem needs to be identified first before even considering a chemical treatment. Any chance to post some photographs?
Diane, I agree with Daniel. Best to know thine enemy before spraying anything. If you use the wrong chemicals on an already weakened plant, you could make matters worse. A picture would be a great help. If we find out what is going on I can give you some homemade recpies that are environmentally friendly. Newt
did you find out what the problem I think I am having a similiar problem..however there is some spider mites..but not sure if this is the cause of the browning and drying up of leaves
Verticillium Wilt maybe? If I remember correctly, I was reading about Hops being suceptible to this in my AHS garden book recently.
I did find out what was wrong and it was some sort of fungus maybe even the Verticillium Wilt as stated in the previous post . I powdered the plant with something containing a copper powder (this was suggested by the greenhouse) and this seemed to help. The older plant seems to be doing quite well but the new plant is still showing signs of the disease. I don't know how it will fair the winter. Now I am plagued with aphids (1000's of them) I continue to spray with chemical and hose down with water but the little critters are very hardy. My maintenance to the plant appears to be keeping it healthly but I have to be diligent and spray frequently as the ahipds never completely go away. Thanks to everyone for their help in the problem Diane