Dying corn plants - 2020

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Kayla, Feb 14, 2020.

  1. Kayla

    Kayla New Member

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    Hello! … I am hoping for advice. I have had a Mass Cane in my office for about 7-8 months. I don't have a window so I use a grow light and it has done well. The leaves on the right would occasionally die and I would peel them away. Just yesterday I noticed that the stalk for those leaves is brown and feels pretty hollow. The leaves are still green and there is some tiny growth trying but not much. Is it dying? The other leaf stalk is doing great. What should I do? There is a tiny little bud starting from the main stalk but it has been there since I got it 8months ago

    thumbnail_20200214_100153.jpg thumbnail_20200214_100129.jpg thumbnail_20200214_100138.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2020
  2. Mernlewn

    Mernlewn New Member

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    New York
    Please help! I purchased this plant 6 months ago and it was doing well (had many leaves!!) until I moved and has since lost all of its leaves and it’s partner stalk (which I removed because it got soft and died). Please help me save this one!

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  3. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    It looks like the stem on the right in the photos is the one you're having a problem with. The mid-section of the that stem is somewhat shrunken so I suspect it is drying out at that point. That stem will eventually die if that is the case. I suggest for it to be removed. Propagating the cut stem would likely be futile as it is already in decline, with its tip dead. Perhaps the removal of that stem will stimulate growth in the dormant bud you noted.

    Similar to @Kayla's plant, the mid-section of your stem is clearly dead. I suggest you remove it while making sure the portion that remains is still green and alive. Since there appears to be still some life in the top of the stem, you may want to try propagating it. Remove the dead portion below the tip and apply some rooting hormone powder to the cut before planting. Also, remove a large portion of the long leaf, leaving perhaps 2-3". New growth may sprout from the main stem but remember to reduce watering to a minimum as there is no foliage left to transpire moisture.
  4. solistrato

    solistrato New Member

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    Chelsea, MA
    Hi! First time poster/plant owner here with similar problems. My plant was doing pretty well but I noticed brown tips. So, I trimmed them, thinking they’d grow back. Then, uh, I kept cutting. I went too far, as you can see. Did I just completely screw up, or is there any hope at all?

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  5. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Your problem sounds similar to @Kayla's, so the end result would probably be the same if you had left it alone. All you can do at this point is hope new growth will emerge from the main stem. Trim what remains of the stub and reduce watering as per advice to @Mernlewn.

    As an aside, it looks like someone put a weed wacker to the other plant.
  6. shekay

    shekay New Member

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    Hi, I got this corn plants from IKEA 2 years ago, been in my spare room for 1.5 years with very little water, once couple months. I know I'm super lazy. I brought it back up to the main living room a few months ago and trying to take better care of it. But I found, 2 smaller ones seems dead. The bark is very loose like paper wrapping around the stem and after I pruned the yellow leaves away, they don't seem want to grow back. The main problem are the 2 plants when I move them, the roots seem weak and are wobbling.

    My question is, how do I separate them? Can I cut maybe 1/3 of the tallest plant and root it so I got 2 plants again?


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  7. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The container appears to be too small relative to the size of the plant. I suggest you repot to a slightly larger container. Doing so would also give you an opportunity to inspect the roots and assess the condition of each cane. You can also try tapping on the healthy one with a stick then comparing that 'feel' to taps on the other two; that may give you a clue to their condition. Going by your description the shortest one may be dead but there appears to be some life left in the less healthy one. Perhaps you can revive it rather than taking a chance on propagating the only healthy cane.
  8. Morgan L

    Morgan L New Member

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    Los Angeles
    Help! My roommate over watered my corn plant I think. The leaves turned yellow then brown. The bark is peeling and this is what it looks like underneath. Can I save it!?

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  9. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    It's dead if it's like that up and down the stem.
  10. Megha

    Megha New Member

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    M5A 3X2
    Hi, I bought 3 stalk corn plant in February, and I think it's dying!! I'm seeking HELP!!
    I live in Toronto. It is perfectly put far from the window and direct sunlight in large pot with drainage. I usually water it twice a week/ check before I water to let the soil dry in between watering. I have recently noticed that the leaves were turning brown and dying crispy death.

    So, I trimmed those leaves but then I saw, that one of the spud, completely dried off and came out dead in my hands. I am shocked to see it die like that. It's a birthday gift !!!!

    I have added a few pictures of the plant. Anyway, I checked all the little branches and mostly all of them are turning brown from the bottom of the branch but still very very green at the top. I changed the whole potting soil and potted again yesterday.

    Please guide, what to do. All of your help is deeply appreciated.
    Thanks !! WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 2.09.36 PM.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 2.09.36 PM (1).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 2.09.36 PM (2).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 2.09.36 PM (3).jpeg
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2020
  11. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Please review comments directed at @Mernlewn in this post: Dying corn plants - 2020.

    Comments and questions:
    • I think this plant would be happy if given bright, indirect light.
    • Your approach to watering seems reasonable. However was the soil allowed to go excessively dry? If so, then it becomes harder to rehydrate the soil as portions of it could have become hydrophobic.
    • Is it possible the container is too big relative to the size of the plant? If so, the bottom portion of the soil could remain wet even when the top has dried sufficiently. That could result in root rot. Did you notice the condition of the roots when you repotted?
    • Does the main stem still feel solid? Are there any green buds showing?
  12. Megha

    Megha New Member

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    M5A 3X2
    1. So, I have moved it now, from the corner to a little closer to the window but not too much, so, it doesn't get sun burns.
    2. I don't think it was experiencing hydrophobicity b
    3. yes, it is a large pot and only researching now I got to know that they can remain in a smaller pot better than this big :( I noticed afa long and large chunks of roots. The smaller stalk has everything green from the bud. The middle stalk got one of its bud fall completely and gone brown. The tallest one has 3 buds, 2 of them are about to fall :( (picture attached) and the lasts bud is green. (Picture attached)
    4. The main stem still solid, yes.
    Could you kindly share, how the roots should be ? I am no expert in that

    Really appreciate your prompt response

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  13. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Whatever the cause I suspect the remaining heads will eventually suffer the same fate as the fallen ones since they're showing the same symptoms. Nevertheless, let's hope for the best. I don't know what more to suggest for the existing stems other than to review information on culture. The following blog contains photos of what the roots should look like: [Thursday – Plants 101] How to Repot a Corn Plant (Dracaena Fragrans).

    As for the fallen heads I suggest you try to propagate them in a separate container.

    Reference: Dracaena fragrans - Plant Finder
    Megha likes this.
  14. Megha

    Megha New Member

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    M5A 3X2
    Thank you very much !! I have repotted the healthy one. And will keep an eye on what happens next. While thank you for taking the time and the root post. Mine roots were approximately the same size ( may be larger) so, I can't say what happened to them
  15. Mich

    Mich New Member

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    Can this stalk be saved by repotting or cutting off the top? It is the smaller of two and recently dropped both sprouts of leaves. I have propagated one, hopefully. Is this lack of water, too much water or a fungus? I only water maybe once a week. They are in a well lit but not direct light room. The leaves of the larger stalk seem to be graying on top. Any help appreciated!
    [​IMG] upload_2020-8-1_20-52-51.jpeg upload_2020-8-1_20-53-17.jpeg
  16. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    It looks like the stem in the last photo has rotted. If a section of the stem remains firm, continually cut away the top section in search for healthy material. However I'm guessing rot set in at the bottom, perhaps due to over-watering, and has worked its way up the stem.
  17. Mich

    Mich New Member

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    Thanks! I may try to hacksaw it down to healthy tissue if any.

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