Hi I am new to having fruit trees, this is my first year with hem and I have about 20 apple trees, they produce large apples not those little drab apples. However I have noticed a patch of about 7 trees have had all their leaves turn brown and they have no apples forming on them. Their bark is also black as though it has been burned although I know that this isn't the case. I have no idea what to do. Is it bugs, lack of water, a disease. Please help in any ways you can, all info. would be appreciated. Bridgette
Howdy Bridgette, Difficult to say without seeing. Having said that, we are having massive fireblight attack in Alberta. From your discription, you may have it too. Fireblight is caused by a bacteria and the only known remedy is antibiotics. However, it is not registered for use in Canada. Our only option is to prune and burn all diseased parts. Make sure you disinfect your cutting tools with bleach or rubbing alcohol after each cut. Peace Thean