I've planted 3 squashes this summer - a zuccini, a yellow crookneck and pumpkin. All of them are very slow growing,almost dwarf. I added organic steer manure before planing and they are getting regular watering. Any ideas what I need to add to the soil?
Dear Constance. Squash seems to grow in most soils, but some added compost will be helpful as these grow well in organic soils. The soil should be well drained & have a pH of 5.8 to 7.0. Plant in full sun. Mound soil up into a hill (this helps to warm up the soil) & plant three seeds per hill. Average distance between hills to be about 4 feet. In cool weather cover small plants with a cloche. Sprinkle a band of basic fertilizer, ie., 6-8-6 around each plant, when sowing seeds or transplants. Side-dress with fertilizer after 6 weeks. These vegetables are heavy feeders & will grow very well in a compost pile from kitchen refuse. Squash plants hybridize freely & such results will be a surprise & it will be impossible to know which plants were the parents. Note: Hill Planting- adds warmth & good drainage. Even in good garden soil, work an extra shovelful of compost or well-aged manure into each 1', 2'-3' wide hill at planting time. Or to really baby your crop, dig a l' deep hole, fill it with compost or aged manure, & build the planting hill on top. You can intersperse squash with corn, so the vines can use the cornstalks as climbing poles. If you have limited space - tie three long poles together at top & spread the legs into a tripod; plant seed at the base of each pole. Also may be grown on fences & well supported growing nets. Try not to water seeds until they have germinated. Once germinated water as needed PUMPKINS: Once the plant has set one good fruit, remove all the others so that the vine is only supporting that one fruit. See plant is never under stress from nutrients or water. Once the fruit is set, start a fertilizing program of 20-20-20, at half-strength & do so once a week. Suggest alternation with another fertilizer such as 6-8-6 Good luck & hope this information is helpful.