Dwarf Lisbon lemon potted in house-feeding

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by WoodlandJennifer, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. WoodlandJennifer

    WoodlandJennifer Member

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    B.C. Canada
    I purchased a potted Dwarf Lisbon Lemon this year, had it on terrace all summer in morning sun.
    I live in the Kootenays in British Columbia.
    Its main stem is about one inch in diameter above what I expect is the graft.
    Now it is in the house. Temperature around 70F, not higher.

    I only fed this plant once when I bought it, several months ago. Instructions tag on plant were for its being planted out, not in pot.

    This plant is about 3' tall, has four large lemons, still green and several smaller and some purple buds.

    I wonder if I should feed it, also how often to water. Instructions were, when soil feels dry.
    Thank you. Jennifer
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    I feed my trees once a month from spring through early fall when they are actively growing. The fertilizer used is a 30-10-10 containing micro-nutrients. The trees get watered when the soil is dry; for me that means when the container feels light when lifted.
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    I fertilize my trees (127) year around. I would especially recommend fertilizing your tree because it is with fruit. Nitrogen and potassium both are very water soluble, and are easily leached out of the root zone with each watering. if you do not fertilize through out the winter months your tree will quickly become deficient in nutrients. When a citrus tree is placed in front of a southern or western window to receive good lighting, and the environment is maintained at a temperature greater than 60F, the tree requires nutrition or else you will loose 4-6 months of growth, and more importantly your tree begins to suffer from nutrient deficiency . If your not going to feed throughout the winter months, than the tree should be place in a cooler location with less or diffused light, even than I would fertilize once a month at 1/4 the label rate.
  4. WoodlandJennifer

    WoodlandJennifer Member

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    B.C. Canada
    I replied to Jungle Keeper, not seeing Millet on my email response. I don't see my reply here so maybe I messed something up.

    Having considered both replies, I suppose I should say my tree is actively growing since I have lemons at different stages of growth and blossoms.

    Thank you both for your replies, much appreciated.
    I am very fond of my tree. Jennifer
  5. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Yes indeed. My trees spend the winter in an unheated room where they remain semi-dormant.

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