Hi there, my mother is replacing a Blue spruce in her front yard and she was hoping to get a slower growing replacement. Can someone suggest the best garden that might have a good variety of these dwarf versions? Also it pains me to cut down a beautiful 25' tree, is there landscaping companies that might be interested in removing it and reselling it? thanks for any info, Richard
please say where her garden is located - is it the City of Vancouver or otherwise? re: the older tree I would certainly hope that there are companies that need mature landscaping trees. I would think that's up to you to make some calls first -- if nothing else - could it be a future charity Christmas tree if you can wait a few months. I have not had experience with that topic in VAncouver proper (I donated many plants from a property outside of the city with local small town contractors when we had to move a lot of nice garden items of all sizes and types - plus hardscape etc in order to meet the new septic laws) keep us posted.
thanks for the great info, I will call a few companies today to see if I get some leads. I unfortunately cant wait till Fall as my mother wants to landscape now. The tree is in whiterock, hopefully we find a nice dwarf variety thats as beautiful as the one we have.
make sure you check your municipality's tree cutting bylaw - here is Surrey http://www.surrey.ca/community/1361.aspx ps - maybe this place (I realize they deal in palm trees, but clearly they have equipment) might have some lead info for you http://southgrove.ca/Palms.php I am not a tree expert - how would one move a 25 foot tall spruce with roots? too bad this is time sensitive (ie can't be donated as a cut tree for Xmas)
here's a list from Surrey municipality that includes some "large tree movers" - http://www.surrey.ca/files/16ReplacementTreeSuppliersList.pdf