I just planted a dwarf avocado tree here in Perth Western Australia and gave the initial watering to the tree. How often should I water the tree from now on? Our soil is very sandy, thus, it has excellent drainage. Any advice would be appreciated.
I can't give any first hand experience regarding avocado, but with any newly planted tree they generally require more watering until the tree can establish itself. Any of the potted specimen I have show leaf flagging at the first signs of drought, and they pick up within an hour after watering. Cheers, LPN.
Avocados like to stay moist, but not wet. You will probabbly have to water it regularly especially during hot and dry weather. You can let the top couple of inches or 5-7 cm dry out in between waterings once it is better established. Avocados have most of their roots near to the surface of the soil.
I have quickly learned that you need to water your tree twice a week in the summer months. Also slow drip from your hose for 30 to 45 minutes.
Dwarf Avocado ... what size constitutes "dwarf"? Fruit quality is also a consideration and species / cultivar names if anyone knows? Cheers, LPN.
My variety is called "Holiday", growing 10 to 12 feet high. It will bear 15 to 30 oz. fruit, from August to January in California. So it's great for containers and small yards.
I just planted my Holiday this Spring. Because I wasn't watering it enough, all the leaves fell off and then it got sunburned. It's recovering slow. Since it doesn't have any large leaves to protect from the sun, I put a large tomato cage around it and covered the top with a cloth. I'm embarrassed to send you a photo now. I will be glad to later. Holiday is a very popular selection.
Hey ... no worries. Glad to see it is pulling through. After all, that's the main thing and now you have better info it'll be just fine. I doubt I'll be able to find one here. Too bad really since I think I could find a way to make it work here. I did a bit of research on 'Holiday' and it seems like a nice reliable variety of managable size. Cheers, LPN.
'Wurtz' is another dwarf variety that stays smaller than 'Holiday'. I have a 'Wurtz and have not had any luck with it being in a large container or in the ground. It Flowered every year, except one cold winter. Let me know if your 'Holiday' bears any fruit.
Hi There Where about did you purchase this dwarf avocado, I heard about dwarf fruit trees in Perth but cannot remember where. Can you let me know as I want to get some of these dwarf trees. Regards
Hi, I live in California, which is where I purchased my tree. I have a cousin in New Zealand who is an avocado farmer. I'll asked him if he knows where you can purchase a dwarf avocado. Patty
Hi, How did you get on contacting your friend in New Zealand re dwarf avocado trees. I am in New Zealand and I would love to grow one. Thanks John
In Australia there is a company called DALEYS fruit tree nursery. The web site is http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/ They sell alot of dwarf plants. I just picked up a dwarf avocado from Bunnings. This is probably too late a post, but if you haven't found a dwarf avocado yet, hope this helps.