I just moved and my Chinise Evergreen was in the garage for about 3 hours and it was very limp when I pulled it out of the garage. It has SLOWLEY started to stand up again. however still looks sick and a couple of the leaves are curling in. I'm moved it around a little to find a place it will like. Can you help with some advice. I know that it doesn't like the cold. leaving it in the garage was a accident.
You might try at your next watering to add about 3/4 cup of standard 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, to 1 gal of water. It often does wonders for sagging houseplants. Make sure the plant doesn't sit in a try of water and is allowed to drain freely. You also want your very brightest indirect light possible right now without any midday direct sun on the leaves. If you have a spare fluorescent you could put over it, within a few inches of the leaves (in addition to very bright natural light), that might help a little.