This is a cactus we've had for several years, but it's been like this few the last couple of years. It had been flowering for a few years before ending up so. We were waiting for it to die completely but it's stayed like this for that whole time. My questions are: what might have made it become like this, and, what's the best remedy- should we cut of the top and let it reshoot? Thanks
I'm certainly no expert but your plant looks like an Aeonium to me - a succulent, not a cactus. Others here may be able to give you the benefit of their personal experience which I cannot - but here is a start: Growing and Caring for Aeonium Plants
Sorry, yes, the black/purple one is a tree Aeonium, but I was referring to the one silvery, bent cactus in the centre of the pot (I didn't really make that clear, did I...) I was wondering why it is withered and bent over like that.
Difficult to see, but the stem seems discoloured as if it is rotting from the top. If so, there is not much to do except cutting off all the infected tissue.
I agree, it seems that all but 4-5 inches up from soil level is all dead. If cut below the green to gray transition area it has a small chance of survival.