Someone gave a dragon tree that was in bad shape. It looks a little better but when she gave it to me one of the stems look like it was rotting and the soil has mold and the bottom of the other two trees is this ok dose it need new soil or repoting? It also looks pretty sad. please help.
A picture would be very helpful. "Dragon tree" is dracena but there are several species. They like well draining soil, moderate to bright light. You mention one of the stems looks like it's rotting; how often are you watering it? If the soil has mold, I'd re-pot, making sure to use a clean container and fresh compost. If the stem is rotten, you'll need to cut that off or you just transfer the problem to the new pot. You can dust the cut with a fungicide. Please post a pic and let us know how your plant does. Best of luck!
Constantgardener gave you some good advice. If the other two stems are ok and not rotting, give it some good indirect light like in front of, or off to the side of a west window which should make a big difference in it's appearance. As the plant grows taller, it's natural for bottom leaves to yellow and fall. Cutting the stems to lets say halfway will cause new growth to sprout near where you made the cuts.
how big is that planter that it's in? looks kind of small from the pic - although it might look smaller than it really is. do you know when it was last repotted? might want to unpot it and see if it's rootbound. if it is, repot in a larger container - something 2 inches larger in diameter.