I live in Squamish BC Canada & have several of the above plants which have been left in the ground & planters over the Winter.They seem to still be alive but looking very weathered & sad with brown wilting spikes. I'm wondering if I can give them a haircut to remove all the wilted, dead & brown spikes etc. Normally they don't survive the Winter so I really don't want to damage them now by cutting them back. How can I clean these up. Thanks for your help.
USDA 9 plant freezing down at about 15-20F but often coming back from roots. Mild waterfront sites may have them keep their tops for years, form trunks with leaf rosettes at top. 'Spikes' Dracaena is a made-up nursery name, botanically your plant is Cordyline australis. Use the latter name if doing anymore web searches for information about it.
Here's my cordyline after 6 years in the garden(top right hand corner). Now close to 12 feet tall. I do not know of any other big ones in my area. I continually peel off the lower, browned leaves. Be aware though, if you actually cut the top off it will likely start growing from the base.
Beautiful Garden Palmera, How long does it take for a Dracaenia spike plant to grow that big? What kind of palm do you have growing by the rocks in front? What is the zone in BC Canada? Maybe I need to move North to grow a garden like that. Tom24
Thanks Tom, this Cordyline I estimate to be 10 years old. It was given to me by my father (in Chilliwack) 6 years ago when it had outgrown the largest pot he had, which happened to be his shop-vac canister! He had given it much TLC. It was 4 years old, 5 feet tall and it still had all it's leaves. He had been keeping it in his garage for the winters as they are often colder than where I am here (zone 8). As for the palm by the rocks, it was a Jubaea chilensis (chilian wine palm) and I say 'was', as sadly it did not make the winter. It was quite small but I had high hopes it might tough out the winter anyways. Oh well, another gardening opportunity! (LPN, soon I hope, but I have many travels upcoming. Mexico, Inuvik, Ottawa) Send me a note when you're down this way...