Hello Plant Enthusiasts, I have a plant that I believe to be a Dracaena (Photo attached). It spent most of the cold Montreal winter in my well lit, unheated, front room. It began to yellow and the tips turned brown. I thought it may have been too cold in there, so I brought it in to my fairly cool apartment, it got worse. I put it back into the colder room. It is still not doing great. Any suggestions? Nicholas
It's probably reacting to the cold, or drafts. Many Indoor plants pretty much like the same comfort as we do so if you can try and keep it more warmer Give it bright indirect light, although not too much direct sun, a little morning sun is ok. Dracaena's don't like to be overwatered which can lead to root rot. It can withstand some underwatering but not overwatering. Let it dry out and then give it a good drink and make sure the soil is well-draining so that it won’t stay wet for long periods. In a cool room it can stay wet for a lot longer than in a warmer room. You might as well take off all the bad leaves because they won't ever get better... Overfeeding can cause brown tips as well, use 1/3 strength in the spring and summer months. Checking for pest wouldn't be a bad idea either, just in case.