Dracaena stems falling over

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Justinsane, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. Justinsane

    Justinsane New Member

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    Victoria BC Canada
    K so I have a similar but new Q about my little dragon; purchased approximately 14” plant about a month ago in store container. Placed it and climatized it for a month before transplanting it to a taracotta slightly bigger pot using indoor potting soil with some extra peat moss. It’s drains fine I watered it and waited till too inch dried a bit then agian maybe week and a half later. At this point it started dropppng bottom leaves which I read I normal. Then waiting about the same till next watering and about 3 days after 2 of the fore trunk stems off the main trunk completely fell over with the leaves still attached ???? I feel like I didn’t overwater but I’m not sure what’s happening. Please help

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  2. Justinsane

    Justinsane New Member

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    Victoria BC Canada
    I don’t use my base board and it’s not drying out

    All 4 fallen now

    Maybe I damaged roots transplanting? I’m pretty argesive when I plant or soil was too compact

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2018
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    You could look at the roots to see if they are all damaged or mushy. I would guess it was overwatered.
  4. Justinsane

    Justinsane New Member

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    Victoria BC Canada
    Yes I’m thinking the same(over watered as it was thrived 2 weeks ago and trunks have fallen with most leaves still intact. So next question; is it salvageable? I don’t want to give up. Should I leave it fallen and let it dry or cut it and if I cut it will it regrow potentially or will that just kill it ?
  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I would give up, myself, but you could try cutting the tops off above the rotted part of the stems, strip off some leaves to get some bare stems to stick into better aerated soil (read on the internet about soil mixes for houseplants). After you water and the excess water has all drained through, feel how heavy the pot is. Then don't water again until it feels a lot lighter than that.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  6. Justinsane

    Justinsane New Member

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    Victoria BC Canada
    Ok thanks I just wanted to figure it out cause it turned bad really fast. I used the same indoor potting mix which wasn’t the cheap stuff for all my many tropicals and would be devistated if I lost them. I’m totally new but have been doing really well so far. I added peat moss thinking it would make it spungier but learmed after that it holds water more(I think) I also didn’t mix it well and basically just filled top 1/4 of the pots with it ? I poked a bunch of chop stick holes in the rest of my plant soils to try to aerate them. The baby definbacias I made seem to be doing ok at least.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2018

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