Dracaena Marginata touched by cold

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Korena Newton, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Korena Newton

    Korena Newton New Member

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    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    I was given a Dracaena Marginata for Christmas and it was exploded to -32 degree weather for a very short time. My plant now has brown tips on its leaves and the smaller stalk tips seem to be dry and all the little leaves have fallen off. Is there any way to promote re growth? Was thinking of cutting of the dry ends and hoping it would regenerate but am scared to cause more problems. Please help as I am new to plant care and really want to save my plant!
  2. Dirk

    Dirk New Member

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    Winnipeg Canada
    I had caused a similar issue with my Dracaena when we took it home from the store my wife and I were silly enough to stop somewhere else before going home leaving it in the car while it was the dead of winter. All the leaves turned brown and died off bit by bit within the following weeks, they became brittle and fell off. I read a number of forums and I found to be patient and be delicate. Make sure the pot has holes for it to drain, these suckers hate sitting in water, they will root rot and die (I always put a layer of rocks on the bottom of my pots to help with drainage). I made sure to stick my finger in the soil, (my full middle finger) to make sure the soil is dry deep down before re-watering. I cut off all the dead stuff, kept any leaves that were green, even if it was a matter of cutting half the leaf off. I found that after about 3-4 weeks new growth started to form from the middle of each stalk that had leaves still on. I'm still being patient, but the 'nubs' (not sure what else to call them) that have no leaves left are not producing new growth and i'm not too sure if they will. I'm still in the wait and see period because i'm really hoping new growth will come from them as well. I thought about cutting slits in the tops of the 'nubs' to open them up, give way to new leafs to grow but I haven't reached that point yet. Just keep your plant out of direct sunlight, do not over water, and be patient, as long as the stems are strong and not getting mushy, you should hopefully see it bounce back, hope that helps..... as for the 'nubs' anyone have any recommendations, should I wait and see or act?
  3. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    A picture would help. Dracs are pretty tolerant of miss handling, so just be patient. barb
  4. Dirk

    Dirk New Member

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    Winnipeg Canada
    Here are my 'nubs'

    Attached Files:

  5. T311

    T311 Member

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    Yankton, SD USa
    How are they doing now? I had a similar experance.

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