Dracaena Janet Craig stem dying...please help

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by CLai, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. CLai

    CLai New Member

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    New York City
    I bought a Janet Craig with four stems about 4 weeks ago and noticed just a few days ago that the 2nd tallest stem is turning mushy from the top down (starting just below the leaves). Over the past few days, the affected area turned from green to brown and the soft area is spreading lower and lower on the trunk. The bottom most leaves on the same stem are also turning brown. The other 3 stems are unaffected.
    Here are the plant's living arrangement since adoption:
    1. Still in same pot it came in.
    2. Indirect light from full spectrum CFL grow lamps I use for my dwarve citrus.
    3. I stick my index finger all the way down and waters when it feels bone dry. Water until it drains, the let drain thoroughly
    4. Fertilized once with a tiny bit fertilizer. It was Dr. Earth Home Grown Tomato, Vegetable and Herb fertilizer (4-6-2) diluted to half the concentration on the instruction and I poured in about 1/3 cup of this that remained after I fertilized my other plants.

    This is a few days ago when the stem was still green:

    This is today and it's now brown and spread another 3 inches down:

    Is this over watering or stem rot? What can I do to save her? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    I would remove the mushy portion then seal the top of the stem with some wax to prevent dessication.
  3. CLai

    CLai New Member

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    New York City
    Do you think it's stem rot? If it's bacterial or fungal, I'd rather get rid of it so it doesn't accidentally infect other plants.

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