dormant oil spray peach tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by arnhall, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. arnhall

    arnhall Member

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    New Westminster, B.C.
    i dormant sprayed my garden, using oil and lime sulfur, now i find the instructions on later's don't say to use the oil on peach trees. have i done any harm? thanks
  2. jimweed

    jimweed Active Member 10 Years

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    I would imagine your Peach tree will be just fine. I am not sure the reason why some trees are not to be sprayed with dormant Mineral oil, but I can tell you it doesn't seem to effect them in a negative way when you do. Try remember next year to use the Lime Sulphur only. Jim.
  3. sayhey

    sayhey Member

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    Hello, I'm in Kelowna and after downsizing we have one peach tree. The spraying was previously contracted out but it looks like noone is showing so I am on my own. My local Buckerfields has lime sulphur, is that enough for the dormant spray and what about subsequent sprays. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  4. jimweed

    jimweed Active Member 10 Years

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    I would imagine a spraying program for your peach tree would depend on the condition of your tree. In the Kelowna area you have some pretty optimum growing conditions and may not need to spray at all. If your Peach tree has full healthy foliage and has not had insect problems in the past, then I wouldn't get to excited about spraying.

    Lime Sulphur is mostly used as a fungicide to help aid in controlling plant diseases and fungus. Possibly if your tree suffers from Leaf Curl, Scab, or even Brown Rot{dead clumps of leaves hanging off your tree all summer}, then you may have concern and want to google around some of these problems.

    If you are going to apply the Lime Sulphur, be under caution that over spray can stain, this product stinks, and sure can burn if you get in your eyes. As for subsequent sprays, there are many options available if you need them. Post a pic of your tree here in this post in a couple months if you are uncertain of its health.

    Agricultural cash crops like the orchards in your area will spray various products throughout the year regardless of present pests or diseases. Just because they can't afford not to, not always because it is required.

    I hope your Peach tree is doing fine, Jim.
  5. JohnT

    JohnT Member

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    No it won't harm it in the least....I've sprayed Lime sulphur and dormant oil on peach trees for years. Lime sulphur is an important product to use before bud break to prevent leaf curl from happening. The oil is effective against several pests like aphids and scales.

    See the BC Ministry of Agriculture's A Guide to Fruit Tree Sprays for the Home Garden (click here) you'll find they recommend the use of dormant oil sprays on peach trees.

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