We were recently advised to spray our sick globe cedars with this chemical which was applied approx 1 week ago. In hindsight, I now realize that we applied this without proper dilution. Now, the cedars are looking even worse. We have watered them cosntantly over the last few days but am wondering if I have killed them or is there something else that we can do? Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks Wayne
Likely just a contact burn on them, not too much you can do but wait it out and see how they do. It is not like a translocative herbicide burn that could work it's way right through the plant and severely damage it. Hopefully your spray application was as poor as your mixing rate and you missed most of the shrub. I am not too sure about suggesting pruning off the tips right away which will likely have take the grunt of the burning. Cosmetically this may help, weather it stresses the plant further I can't say. Other than Anthracnose and a tip Blight which both can brown off the tips, out where I live these shrubs are rarely effected by very many pests or diseases. What were you trying to control with Lime Sulphur and Dormant oil? Copper is commonly a good control on Globe Cedars for blights or fungus. Jim.
Thanks for your thoughts. The fungicide recommendation came from a local arborist to control insects.The only problem was that the applicator should have have been wearig his glasses! Cheers WT