Hi all I'm new to gardening and unsure if this hedera helix (English ivy) is rootbound and in need of a repot? It is growing very fast with new healthy leaves so I'm not sure if I should just leave it or repot it? I've attached photos. Please let me know your thoughts Many thanks
That ivy could be happy in the same pot for a long time yet but you might repot it now while it would be relatively easy to tear or cut off some of the roots that are accumulating around the bottom perimeter of the pot. The next pot you put it in doesn't need to be more than a couple of inches larger in diameter. As you know, ivy can grow indefinitely so you'll have to decide how big you want the above-ground plant to be so you don't need to repot it too often. I'd be sparing with fertilizer - you don't want to create a monster! There is lots of good advice about growing ivies on: The American Ivy Society, Inc.
Thank you Margot. Very helpful advice, much appreciated If I can wait, I think I'll hang on and repot next spring as I've read that's the best time to repot Cheers