Re: Growing Citrus Trees from Seeds (Advice Please) Hi! new is this thread does girdling or drought stress help to floraison? if yes, how to do it without risking the small tree's life?
I have heard that girdling will induce flowering in a variety of fruit trees, although I have never done it. I believe that it is done by simply making a knife cut through the bark and cambium all the way around the tree. No bark or cambium is removed as would be the case if you were actually trying to kill a tree by girdling it. Drought stress is used as a way to induce flowering in citrus. I have read that in Italy, lemon growers withold water to the point of inducing wilt during the summer to force trees to flower in the fall producing an off-season crop that is more valuable. Cold stress will also induce flowering in citrus. Skeet
It can do, but it will also harm the tree's future prospects, including risks of introducing disease. Not a good idea.
I agree that the girdling is not a good idea, but just to be clear, are you saying that drought stress is bad as well and should not be done? Skeet
Well, obviously one can't 'do' drought stress, it isn't under human control (!), but it can be bad if it is severe. The remedy to prevent drought stress damage is of course irrigation, where it is feasible.
Can you be a little more specific as to what you really want to know and which form of Citrus you want to apply either technique to? Jim