Hello, This is my first post to this forum, but I have enjoyed reading through the advice about citrus. The question I would like to ask is does citrus (Semi-Dwarf Washington Navel, Fukumoto Navel, Dwarf Ponderosa lemon) need a period of darkness each day? At present I am using MH lighting with a agrosun bulb (expanded spectrum). I have been leaving this on as much as possible, most times 24 hours a day. Should I give these plants periods of 'night'? Being new to this, I appreciate your help! Thanks!! Jack
It is my understanding that virtually every plant requires a daily cycle of rest and dirunal temperature changes for long term health and vigor. I'm not quite sure what you will gain by having your citrus exposed to such a long diurnal period? Ideally, the plants would benefit from being outside while the weather is still warm (above freezing). When it time to move them back inside, a photoperiod of ~12 hours is probably sufficient but keep them in a cool area. As spring approaches, increase the daytime temperature and day length to coax them out of dormancy and trigger flowering. Move them outside again as soon as the weather warms up. If they flower before going outside, you will need to hand pollinate. I thought HPS bulbs were better to encourage flowering (MH for vegatative growth)? Simon
Yes, MH is supposed to be better for growth, but the Agrosun bulb I am using has an expanded spectrum and more of the red, and thus encouraging flowering. Is there anything I can do to encourage new growth of leaves? I just received a Fukumoto Navel orange tree and it is in a container. I am going to repot it in a terracotta pot that is approx 16 inches by 14 inches inside dimension. What can I do to help this tree out? It came to me prunned of several limbs, and it needs to put out some more canopy. Any suggestions?? Thanks again!!!! :)