I can't see them being able to count to more than 1, if that. Do they have any number concept at all? (I doubt it!). Though some butterflies seem to be fairly consistent about how many eggs they lay in a single batch, so perhaps they can count?
One thing you can see is the flower on the other side of it - it has transparent panels in its wings.
This must've appeared while I was posting before . . . I'm afraid in that case, there's likely to be copyright issues; the pics can't be used without the original author's permission. But try asking the person who sent them to you where they are from.
This is the photographer for one of the photographs: Martina Koloska (photo here) - like Michael mentioned, I couldn't use it without permission, and even then, that particular photograph strays from BPotD without an obvious plant connection - though the one on the Lantana camara would be usable, if the photographer gave permission.