I've had great success dividing my hostas in late April by slicing them up using a flat showel, digging out the section to be transplated and filling in the hole with new soil. I would like to do the same with my day lillies since the plants are grown quite big. Is mid-May too late to do so in Vancouver?
I don't think it's too late, Mike. Try a digging fork at the edge of the clump to pop up a smaller cluster, and use your hands to twist apart the plants. Using the spade seems too brutal; I think you should avoid cutting through the roots. Do the dividing and replanting on a cloudy day, and the plants won't even notice.
Day Liliy cllumps can be split at anytime, but this is best done in spring or fall. NOTE: Each division should have at least three sprouts. Also, seeds can be used and will usually develope new varieties, and should be planted as soon as ripe. - Millet