British Columbia: Disease in Petasites palmatus?

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Native Plants' started by Vancouver, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. Vancouver

    Vancouver Member

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    West Vancouver
    Good evening, we have Petasites palmatus (syn frigidus var. palmatus, i think) in our garden. It has developed distinct pale yellow and white markings in all the leaves. I don't think it's a variegated sport since the markings are different in each leaf. Though the plant seems completely healthy- it spreads readily and the leaves don't show common signs of nutrient deficiencies like paler green or discolored veining- I"m wondering if the cause of the leaf discoloration could be a virus.

    We live up against a large natural easement and within 1 house of Mckecknie Park where the plant grows naturally Do I need to be concerned that this might be a virus which could spread to plants in the area? Perhaps I should pull it all out?

    Many thanks for consideration given to this.

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