Might be D. herthae but that's data deficient. Most of our Dieffs are either variegated or have same-coloured venation....
Yes can't find much on it at all let alone a photo!! If Mick can't verify might be a job for Aroidl Ed
I have a similar looking one Ed, but with a greatly reduced petiole length . Seems to be much less vigorous than yours . And why is so hard to find different ones ?
Don't know if you are being sarcastic or not Mick ; ) Looks a lot like yours, do you have a name for yours mate? Ed
I call it 'the one I got from work' ;-) no really Ed they are hard to find , I would only have less than 10 different ones . I never see them for sale ,, seen some great ones in other gardens , and now its warm , I'll try and get some cuttings . Lent out the one bok that has some names in it , will have to chase it up .
Good luck, Ed. I know it from people here telling me about it; apparently the type specimen was destroyed in the Berlin bombings, so it might be a bit tough to find pics. If it is D. herthae, though, it's from lower Pastaza.
Tried to look at some pics on Tropicos , but it was all painfully slow and mainly herberium specimens so hopeless for ID'ng living plants .
Tried to follow that one up too Alfonso, and no pics of that either. Hmm very frustrating this one Ed
Just had a look at the newsletter in colour and it is not a match, Alfonso. My plant has cream petioles and veins, that one doesn't. Thanks anyway mate Ed