Hi, I have a lot of die-back on my Aka Shigitatsu Sawa this spring since leafing out.This will be the 3rd year that I will have the tree and it's been doing well. We had a mild winter so no issue from that. Any ideas? Thanks.
Hi @SLR2009, did you have a very wet winter and Spring? You say you had a mild winter so I presume it was very wet. Water logging of maples in pots seems a high possibility , causing root rot, or oxygen starvation and so limb death. If the branches are dead you must prune them out now. Do not water until the soil feels crumbly dry and prick the surface to relieve compaction. Your Aka Shigitatsu Sawa should then slowly recover, but may look a bit unsightly 'this year.
@SLR2009, so many people are suffering from this very wet Spring. I have several friends here that have lost trees in pots. The future for us all is providing more drainage than ever in the ground or in pots. @zfrittz has shown photos of his plants growing successfully in vegetable colanders so drainage is excellent. The downside is indeed more watering. Root rot is now becoming a problem with climate change as our maples feet are stting in water for long periods.
My neighbor has a large kumquat tree in a 20 gallon plastic pot. He drilled a several 1/2" holes all around the plastic pot to help the root system breathe.
Hi @vbx, advise your neighbour that with more drainage they will have to water more in warmer conditions as per @zfrittz. His photos of growing in vegetable colanders is amazing.