Did you see that Baby Ghost ?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by richardbeasley@comcast.net, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Has anyone seen Baby Ghost ? If you could give me any type of a description for this tree it will be appreciated. I can not find a single picture of it anywhere. The distributor for it, that being Buchholz & Buchholz Nursery does not list it anywhere either. http://buchholznursery.com/ This is a good link to have anyways.

    Here is a little something for looking at my post, it is the best pronunciation guide I have ever found on the net: http://www.taunton.com/finegardening/pguide/pronunciation-guide-to-botanical-latin.aspx
  2. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    I did, I did, I saw that baby ghost.
  3. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Interesting site for pronunciation however I did find one or two that are not said the same way here in Oz (Aust) definatly aimed at US accent. :) I say Tomato you say....

  4. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia

    I posted another link for proper pronunciation for the given taxon & that was true Italian and you us, Americans didn't like that one. However the link to the Italian accent is most likely the most proper way to pronounce a species. The link was from Virginia Polytechnic Institute maybe the top agriculture school in the US darn close if not the top. The school is very old and it is in the middle of now where, yet they went out and found someone that spoke fluent Italian to and ordered the recording. In general and as a rule that is not like how things are done here unless it is so right to do it a certain way you would look like an idiot not to do it that way. To tell you the truth we still do a lot of things wrong because we don't care if we do look like a bunch of idiots. I am form Virginia and I don't have a US accent so what aboot dat, tomorrow when the hoose is alle together we will all be using our normal tongs and I reckon it might bee Elizabethan as yours and our loves wont know a nner dear woord we be saynn. I admit it is fading into the past the youngeons don't care who we were at a time, they only want their gagits silly music and to look like someone else.
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    In practice pronunciation of botanical Latin does vary regionally (as well as between individuals), one pronunciation is not more proper than another. Everyone aping classical Latin might be ideal but that's not going to happen anytime soon.
  6. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    for me correct pronunciation of botanical Latin is only for accademy ,and conference,because the latin is complicated ,ex. Palmatum is easy but Trachelospermum Jasminidoides ....(in Italy "falso gelsomino")is hardy for Italian people too....
  7. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    not news about Baby in Esveld too..ciao
  8. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Likely Buchholz site will be showing only what is in stock, maybe later the 'Baby' will appear. Or, maybe it's not going to be offered in sufficient quantity to list - if at all. Some selections are named but never make it onto the market in numbers, others are produced for awhile and then discarded.

    Since other Buchholz maples that do not appear in Japanese Maples - Third Edition are treated in the new, smaller maple book maybe that one is in there also.
  9. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Well dam Ron I just bought two of them so they should put a picture up of the thing somewhere this would be a good place don't ya think. The trees are two and half year old, but I wont (yes southern) see the leaf until spring/end of spring then summer and then you get idea. Do ya want me to get you one? Send me a paid shipping label and a FedEx overnight box. I'll cram one in there for ya. Or you can drive on down, knock on there door and say what up with hiding all those ghost trees. This is there phone number: (503) 985-3253

    It ain't in de little book either, but I swear Baulsmith is very pretty do you have one? Can I come and live in Washington too, Virginia is , welllell not a very happy state. Is marijuana legal to grow there, or do they put you in front of a firing squad like they do here in Virginia just to have fun on Sundays, it is Christmas tonight and there were no soup kitchens open today nor shelters for the homeless and it is 35 degrees in Richmond sweet place ah, but I did drive past fifteen well heated churches with Jesus stuff all lit up. However we are going Blue thinks to Nader and all our good Yankee cousins coming on down form New Jersey I bet it looks like a ghost state up there, I know for a fact no one lives in Michigan anymore; we should give it back to the Indians now that we have deforested it, polluted their rives and lakes, and wellel wes just can not afford to fix it? I heard Bush wants to to sell it to China, for 4 Chinese yuan renminbi per acer, but Vladimir objected he whats it for something, oh yea nuclear power to sell to the Americans that's it and to plant Japanaes mpales Berry merry chirstmsa.
  10. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Hasn't the whole country already been sold to China? Buchholz may have sold the maple to the retailer you got it from on a prior occasion and be out of stock at the moment, or may not have all of current offering on web site.
  11. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    They refused to ship all there pre orders last year and the retailers finally got them this past fall. I don't know what that was about and I am not suppose to. Yes we have been s to china but we can not roll over and play dead, I will not eat the food my wife buys from walmart, well to tell the truth I won't eat any of it period, women cant cook man don't you know that, and she wont walk in my yard, there are bugs out there and rats. But this city girl did hear her fist owl a few days ago, I made her stop complaining for a minute and I said what is that, ho ho ho r you, her eyes got big and looked at me ho ho r u, what's that she is starting with a freaky look I look real serious too and then I said that is an owl honey and she was happy I was there.

    I think I will ride around now and pick up homeless people that have been put out on the street when they closed all the mental hospitals here in the United States of America home of the free or homes.
    ÿ Merry Christmas y'all
  12. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Sounds like the plants weren't up to size yet. There are bugs and rats in the city as well.
  13. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Please keep the focus on plants in this forum.
  14. yweride

    yweride Active Member 10 Years

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    Portland, Oregon
    The Buchholz Nursery website is under the process of a redesign. The project should be compleated about Feb. 1st. Users will be able to view Buchholz entire plant library, which includes photos and descriptions.
  15. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    That will be great, we can finally see some of there great trees and how they look in Oregon or is it Washington?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2007
  16. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Gaston, Oregon.
  17. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA
    One gallon plants. first two spring growth, emergence, and third later summer regrowth.

    Not very hardy and have had trouble growing the few that I have had. Seemed to be limited to a batch of one gallon ghosts purchased earlier this spring (Baby and Uncle). Not sure if it should be attributed to the variety of the way it was grown or put together. Hope to graft a little clean wood from last years growth to preserve the plant. If not, will not be trying again any time soon.

    Interest is in spring emergence. After that the characteristics seems to dissipate, at least in young plants. Green mottled leaves of common structure of the group are common much of the growing season.

    Happy New Year!

    Attached Files:

  18. blake

    blake Active Member 10 Years

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    Dallas, Texas USA (8a)
    In case some folks are interested, Baby Ghost is not in the Pocket Guide. As mentioned, several others are... Amber, First, Purple, Sister, and Uncle are in there.
  19. richardbeasley@comcast.net

    richardbeasley@comcast.net Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Not very hardy, do you have any ideas why?

    I find I have most of my problems when I don't make a good potting mix to insure the tree has enough drainage; and then letting it dry out to the point that I have to go looking for it because it blew away.

    Can yall cut and paste in your reply to thread windows.

  20. Galt

    Galt Active Member

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    Oregon, USA
    Couldn't tell you why they have not done well. What I can say is that I got a liner of Baby Ghost resold back to me last spring that had no root mass to speak of. It did not survive leafing out. I had it in a greenhouse and it could have been cultural factors on my part. Not sure.

    The others I purchased were one gallons outlet from Buchholz to a reseller near Salem, Oregon. 3 Baby's, 2 Uncles, 2 Marakumos. I have 4 of the seven left and only 2 or 3 of the 4 are in good shape.

    The pots had incredible amounts of extended release fertilizer in them when I got them before leaf out. The fertilizer was still viable and I repotted them in a mix that I regularly use to be rid of the fertilizer. They had good root systems but seemed incredibly stressed during and after leaf out. The remaining Uncle and Baby Ghosts have signs of disease that I would not attribute to cultural conditions, but I am not one to point fingers here. I will just say they have not been easy plants to grow for whatever reason.

    I have grown all but possibly one ghost now and I find that the white/green ghosts are much better and stronger growers than the red ones. I have had some come in that were put together at Buchholz and others that have been grafted once removed. The pattern seems to stand consistent. Derive whatever conclusions you would like. They are newer maples and I just don't see them having the longevity that many people will hope for. That doesn't mean they aren't great collector or novelty plants, but one should approach them with some realism until we start to see them live for long periods of time in a number of locales. If one was able to get a larger one, that would be the way to go.

    Anyway, good luck and I hope you enjoy the plant.

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