Hi all, I'm a very new gardener and have been in our home for almost 5 years (since we married.) We have a lovely rose bush on the side of our home that every year blooms from around April until October with lovely pink roses (I think similar to the rose shown in Weekend Gardener's picture next to the user name) My question is that on the advice of my aunt who's very into gardening, I began actually cutting the roses that would bloom and putting them in a vase in our home. I also pruned (dead-headed she called it) the ones that I hadn't cut that were past the "pretty" stage. She said it took the energy away from new blooms (or something like that.) Since doing that, I have found that my rose bush is no longer blooming...did I shock it by cutting the flowers? Have I killed my roses? I'm so angry at myself for doing what everyone for years has been telling me...cutting the flowers to enjoy inside :( Is there anything I can do to take care of the roses? In the past, I just waterered them...nothing else. They seemed to thrive with no help from me. I live in New Jersey if this helps anyone. Thanks in advance, Jennie
I don't think you killed it may be shocked but chances are it is just between new growths. Check on the existing branches, just at the point where they start to see if there is an eye. it may be very tiny, but that will tell you if there is going to be new growth soon. here is a few links that you might find helpful http://gardening.about.com/od/rose1/a/RosePruning.htm http://www.marinrose.org/pruning.html http://gardening.about.com/od/rose1/a/Rose_Gardening.htm
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for the reply. How long does a rose bush take to recover from the shock of being pruned or having the roses cut off? I didn't get your message until this morning, so I'll check the existing branches when I get home this tonight. What is the eye??? (sorry, but I really am new to this) Thank you also for the links on pruning...I'm going to print those out and read them during my break later. What else would you advise for taking care of my roses? Thanks, Jennie
http://www.scvrs.homestead.com/files/Anatomy_of_Rose.pdf here is a diagram of anatomy of a rose bush. The eye is barely noticeable until it starts to grow. if need be get a magnifying glass to be able to see it good. my rose bush went through the same thing, I cut off the roses after the petals fell off.(called deadheading) and it is just now getting new growth. I has been about 2 weeks. (don't be alarmed, the new growth will be red to start with) just continue to water the rosebush and watch the leaves for any signs of disease and it should start with new growth after a while. It may be less or more time than mine took.