It is interesting to note the differences in flowering between these otherwise very similar maples. It seems to me that the longer pedicels on diabolicum might be a key for differentiation when specimens are small. -E
But when specimens are small it is rare to see any flowers at all ;-)). Are the leaves impossible to tell apart? Gomero
Hi Gomero, Actually sinopurpurescens flowers at a very small size (and young age), it is one of the advantages over diabolicum. From IGM: " bears flowers after only a few years, even if its height is barely 50cm." So indeed with really small specimens flowers would be a give away for sinopurpurescens. But of course I meant 'smallish' in the sense of a couple of meters tall. ;) It's true there are other keys to recognition, shallower cut lobes on diabolicum, the male flowers differ slightly in color and certainly form. But more keys always are always good, especially to a crummy observer like me! :) -E IGM