Hi Everyone, I need some help! I have a three year old Desert Rose that has beautiful glossy green foliage, but has never had a single bloom. I keep it outdoors during the spring and summer in bright sun all day long. I only bring it indoors during the cold winters months. It's has 12 branches/stems of leaves (about 20 -25 leaves on each branch) and is about 16 inches in height. I love these plants, but I'm so disappointed that mine has never bloomed (not a single bloom). Can anyone tell me why? or what I need to do to get it to bloom. Totally frustrated! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
I found a site that may help, I also found this: http://www.gardening.eu/plants/Succulent-Plants/Adenium-obesum/2767/ It irritates animals too! I can't find anything on no flowers, soz.
Hi, there is an excellent site on Adeniums, by Mark Dimmitt, a recognised expert: http://adenium.tucsoncactus.org/index.html Look especially at the culture page: http://adenium.tucsoncactus.org/large.html to quote.... " Adeniums seem to require high nitrogen for both strong growth and copious flowering. For one year I used a low nitrogen fertilizer (2-10-10) on most of my mature adeniums in an attempt to thicken their stems while minimizing further elongation. Not only did the low-nitrogen plants not thicken appreciably, they also flowered poorly that year. (Well-fed plants flowered normally.)" Good luck, a fabulous plant!! (my small Adenium obesum has 5 flowers right now and promises at least 6 more in bud) Ciao Brian
Normally adenium start to bloom at 6 - 12 months old. It also depends on what species that you have. Adenium Obesum is quite often to bloom, meanwhile other species such as Socotranum or Arabicum is hardly to bloom. Even, you need to wait about 10 years for Socotranum.