Hello there, I recently aquired three Desert Candle cacti. (Euphorbia Acrurensis) The research I've done says in order to "breed" (for lack of a better term) cacti you take cuttings. From which part of the plant do you take cuttings from? The smallest Desert Candle is roughly 5 inches tall, the tallest is about 8 inches tall. Thanks! Lakota
Hi, Im just doing cutting of that same plant! I think you should wait for it to grow a bit first. I took my cuttings of a co-workers 4 foot plant. As for where to take the cuttings, find a branch off the main trunk. Right where the branch leaves the trunk is a VERY tough piece of material. Then with a totally clean, very sharp knife cut the branch off with a cut on the branch side of that hard bit. White, milky sap will bleed out but stop very quickly. Let the cutting scab over very well (4-7 days) and plant it in loose cactus mix deep enough for the cutting to stand on its own. Water it in. Then water it when it gets pretty dry. This is the point Im at and havent done it before. I dont plan to change anything or disturb them until they either show new growth or die. Having done all of this, Im pretty sure the only way it can fail is if I over water it and the cutting rots. So that would be my advice, error on the side of caution and water sparingly. Good luck! Michael
Thanks Micheal, I do plan on letting it grow much more before I take cuttings. The information was very useful! Thanks again! Lakota