CIAO I'm Angelo and I'm a new member I'm looking for seeds of DAVIDIA involucrata In Italy is impossible to found seeds or plants Can You help me ?? I have a long list of seeds to exchange Angelo
Angelo, Semences du Puy says they have it: They'll surely ship to Italy. ciao, -E
Hi Angelo, alex66 is growing a couple in Italy, may be worth asking of his source. You might try this thread for contact. Sorry about the late response.
if you want Angelo send me one private message;in this moment i haven't seeds ,are available in autumn.. ciaooo
Angelo, I bumped up your user level so you can send Alex a PM (private message). Just click on his name -> send a private message.
Hi Angelo, I can collect quite an amount lying under trees here, but I don't know (a) how well they will transport to Italy and (b) what the germination would be like (I have never tried them). If your source with Alex does not pan out for some reason, you can contact me and take it from there. Good luck.
ciao Vdunne You can clean the seeds from the pulp of davidia fruits and put the same seeds in an envelope with bubbles inside no problem for sending seeds all over the world can send me this way 10 seeds?? see my list above for exchange thanks Angelo
Hi Angelo, I will have a look tomorrow. I assume the squirrels have left plenty behind and I will contact you.
Hi Angelo, I have collected 10 or so seed of Davidia for you. They were surprisingly scarce. My joke about the squirrels was sadly off base as they obviously fed well this winter. To what address will I send them? (You can send this by private message) Don't worry about an exchange, I am not in a position at the moment to raise seed here.
Ciao Vincent I received all the seeds in very good conditions If you want seeds of my list, contact me thanks for all Angelo
Sorry, I can't offer seeds to you. I can tell you that they are a bit of a pain to grow from seed. The lack of available stones, slow or difficult stratification period, and unusual way which the stones push between 0 and 6 seedlings each - with the stone getting pushed out of the soil and sometimes bending over and damaging the seedlings. Finally, the young seedlings are prone to dampening off. For all the above reasons, I have resigned myself to explore alternative propagation methods for Davidia. I observed a large tree at a local arboretum that was derived from a rooted cutting, which suggests to me that rooting may be a suitable method for this species. I am also considering, in fact planning, to attempt chip bud grafting onto Nyssa sylvatica rootstocks this winter. I have no idea if this will work, but from a taxonomic standpoint it seems they at least reside in the same neighborhood. I would be interested to hear from any other forum members who have rooted Davidia or have tried grafting them onto other species. One final note, I recently obtained some Davidia involucata 'Sonoma' scions. I am very excited about this newer cultivar, which apparently flowers within two years of being grafted and is noted to have larger flower bracts. Regards, Brian
In Britain Bluebell Nursery are selling Davidia involucrata Sonoma, imported from USA at £100.00 each! ( $151.00 USA, $155.00 Canadian dollars ) I was told that ,yes they do flower when only a metre tall. I just hope that I live long enough to see our ordinary Davidia involucrata flowering!
Angelo, There is some discussion about seed germination in this thread As Silver mentions it can take quite some years to bloom , 15 years here from seed, and bract size can be variable. Alex has mentioned 8-9 years to bloom from cuttings in a previous thread.
I can confirm 8-9 years from cuttings. I have no info. about seed, although trees here seem to produce loads, viable or not.
CIAO After more than a year, the first David is sprouting .... Angelo
Sonoma Horticultural Nursery listed propagules of the large-bracted dove tree growing there as 'SHN' and not as 'Sonoma'. Stock appearing at retail outlets here, perhaps all produced by Handy nursery in Oregon typically flowered in 5 gallon pots. One I purchased and planted in Island County, WA has flowered for at least a few years and is maybe head high or somewhat taller at present. However, the bracts are not jumbo yet. Presumably the energy supply of the more heavily branched, larger specimen is needed for these.