Date palm trees

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by Unregistered, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. Can you please advise me on the type of root structure of Phoenix Dactylifera? Also what is the purpose of its long leaves?
  2. SoftMentor

    SoftMentor Member

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    Indio CA USA
    These palms are monocotyledons and so have lots of fine roots and no tap roots. The roots grow mainly in 1 to 4 feet of soil. In very wet soils they can be almost at the surface. Roots resemble the roots of corn somewhat. The largest root may be as big as your little finger, but most are smaller. These roots are unusual in that they do not have the little root hairs that most plants have for absorbing water and nutrients. Rather they absorb directly through the outer membrane of the root.
    RE the leaf. I'm not sure I understand you question. The leaf is to absorb sunlight and produce food as it is with any plant.
    I have been growing date palms (P. Dactylifera) for 30 years in Indio California, USA
  3. Date Palm

    I have a date palm in my front yard that is about 80 feet tall. From what I can see in your post they are fairly shallow rooted. What are the chances of it becoming uprooted with the ground as saturated as it is? It seems that it would be very top heavy. I live in Los Angeles and am worried about my home and the homes around me if it topples.

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