I am interested in finding out if date palm trees can be successfully grown in the South eastern USA. Middle Georgia to be exact. We have some very dry weather from time to time... But we also have a season of great rains... Will they grow productively in the south ?
No, only in zone 9b/10, roughly central Florida southward. They can't cope with the cold you'd get in Georgia.
Occationally some Phoenix dactylifera (Date palm) grow well in zome 8b, if freezes are short and daytime temps can rebound. They always produce the best crops in areas without high humidity. The S.E. is certainly known for it's humidity. That's why all the commercial growers are in the S.W. regions of the U.S. Apparently 'Medjool' and 'Zahedii' cultivars do much better in the S.E., so perhaps seek those if you're willing to try. Cheers, LPN.