Hi all, I have a date palm tree who is sick. There are hard spots on the back of leafs. New leafs grow clean but after a while they develop the same spots. I uploaded photos. Please if anybody has seen this before ? and knows which type of disease and if it can be cured or not ?
It looks like scale insect. Is there a small bump or scab in the centre of the discoloured spots? Can you send some better close up shots
Hi Johnathan, thanks for reply. Yes, there are small hard bumps on the back of the leafs , even before they turn yellow and black, and some white growing too. I am attaching new photos
Yep. Scale insect. Possibly false oleander scale If the palms aren't too large, thoroughly spray the entire plant with eco oil (available from Bunnings) You'll need to apply it a few times. The oil essentially suffocates the insect that's created armour (that's the scab like coating) Here's more info https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/orn/scales/false_oleander_scale.htm You could apply imidacloprid but that will kill beneficials as well Here's some biological control agents https://bugsforbugs.com.au/whats-your-pest/scale-insects/ Where in this brown land are you?