I have two date palms that I've grown from seed... I consider that a miracle, but my next problem is how big to let them grow or if I can "stall" their growth by keeping them in the same pots. I don't have cathedral ceilings or a giant greenhouse (yet). One literally lifted itself out of the pot with it's roots because it was so root bound.... have considered trimming the roots or just cutting the tap root and "miniatureizing" it.... Any tips? I want these to make it as they are from seeds my deceased mother gave me.
The Canary Island date palm (one of the most common) will attain a height of 60 feet. Other dates grown in the U.S. can attain a height of 100 feet. Any idea which palm you have?
If you know which one it is, I have a Phoenix dactiferia outside, and its doing fine. try posting a picture, so we can ID it, then we can tell you what you can do.
Carol,Whats the coldest temparature that you can get away with growing date palms in? i'm wondering if i should risk trying to aclimatise one outside and leave the rest in the conservatory or not. The Phoenix's grow great outside in the UK weather, and I know that in the dessert it gets extremely cold at night. Any ideas?? Nath