After a stunning spring display I noticed today that about 4 branches are dried up. It's been in my garden for 10 yrs. The only problem it's ever had was having it's blooms eaten by some creepy crawler. I've solved that problem but this is a bit devastating. Any answers?
Daphnes seems to do that...and for no good reason. I would just cut off the dried up branches, it must like where it is if you have had it for ten years. Longer than I have had any!
Is it in well drained soil not too wet? Feed with mulch and natural manures/compost and in light shade. Mines a 25 + yrs cutting still going strong even tho a ladder fell on it a couple of weeks ago. Mine is coming into flower now early winter. I too would prune the dead branches off. Apologies this info is probably not correct for your Daphne type. Mine is the fragrant varigated leaf variety with pinky purple flowers. Mine looks like "DAPHNE BHOLUA JACQUELINE POSTILL" Just found info about your variety at'Eximea'.htm Liz