Hello all, I am having to move unexpectedly at the end of the month. I have many Dahlias coming up. What on earth do I do with them now? I have no established garden at my new local so I think I have to store them. really not sure what the best way to do this is.........Help!
So, you have to dig them up trying to disturb the root system as little as you can, and put them in pots. They will not like it much, but it seems there is no better solution.
i agree - dig what you can - put in light colored pots if possible - store them carefully (ie no hot sun) - then winter - and see if they will live ----- keep us posted.
ps - what I meant to be clear about is - they might need their energy to just survive this move etc - and not much flower - however - i would try and see if you can help them along for a nice flower next year 2016.