Hi there, I have a few questions in regards to planting daffodils. What is their growing cycle in the lower mainland as well as other parts of BC (northern, interior etc) Can the bulbs be planted in a pot and gown indoors?- If so then what would the life cycle of this be? Can they be planted outdoors in pots, and if so when should you start planting them? If planted in non-garden areas ie side of road/parks- would they grow, and when should they be planted? Are there any farms/gardens within the Vancouver/Greater Vancouver area that do not use pesticides on daffodils in particular, and if gown in a greenhouse, would they still use pesticides? Thank you so much for your help, I would love any expert feedback. Kari-Lynne
Hi Kari-Lynne While not an expert by any means I have successfully grown daffodils for many years in Northwestern B.C. Canada. With our long winters the daffodil's bright arrival cheers the soul like no other! I plant them in the fall....late Sept. to Oct and they come up in the spring anytime from late March to early June depending on the year and the variety. They do well here in our Zone 5 area in sun or dappled shade and do not seem particular about their soil as long as it is loose and drains well. I have added bone meal to the planting holes but not always. I do not dig them up after bloom and leave the leaves on until brown and easily pulled off the bulb. I am sure you have found other information by now but this may be of assistance to others. cheers Micki