25 April 2008 Daffodils (Genus Narcissus) http://wahyu.notlong.com/ 25 April 2008 Pictures of my Daffodils. Brantford has many public land and business daffodil gardens. There is a blaze of colour during April. Later when the dandelions arrive it is hard to tell the plants apart from a distance. http://www.cjzonneveld.com/catlsdaffodils.html Here is a site for daffodil names.
This year was a very good year for daffodils. Conditions were almost ideal. No frigid spring weather. No late spring frost. Ample warming sun. Daffodils - Kitchen table bouquet http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2141/2498266050_1b6b12f9ec.jpg Double Daffodils - Bistro room bouquet http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2028/2497436915_bceab5eafa.jpg