I am a total novice to the plant world,I learned through this web site that the very unusual plant,in my back yard is a voodoo lily! It comes up every year like clockwork.each year it has an extra bloom on it.This year I count 5 ,it is opening as we speak. One bloom two nights ago,looks like tonight at least two very good size blooms will most likely open.I dont have a clue where the plant came from?It grows within a shrimp plant.It does not like the sun at all.The shrimp plant use to provide shade for it,but the last couple of years the lily has out grown the cover of the shrimp plant.I have never in the 8 years done anything except water the plants.This plant is doing great. In fact any of the photos of other lilys dont even come close to the healthy ,full ,giant blooms and of course ,yes it stinks very bad, but only for a short while does the really bad oder last. The plant grows right out side my kitchen door. If you leave the screen open for a split second,flys lots of flys.also some of the strangest looking bugs I have ever seen around this area. Crawling on flowers.I am very excited and just wanted to share it with you.IF any body would like to see it. you are welcome to.I live in San Bernardino ca. or i would post some photos if possible
I would love to see a photo. Dracuculus Vulgaris and Voodoo lily aren't quite the same thing though, to my knowledge they both come from the same genus Araceae. Dracuculus Vulgaris, and D. Canariensis, are one kind from the genus, and "Voodoo lily" is Sauromatum Venosum. I will add that they both smell bad. They do look different Dracuculus flowers off the green plant, voodoo lily flowers straight from the ground.
The reference point I used to identify the plant and name was an article in the (MALIBU TIMES) 3/3/06 by ximoara rios .Entitled 'VOODOO LILY' blooms at SOKA. Has an identical plant pictured with the text: The rare dragon arum(dacunculus vulgaris),or voodoo lily,has been growing unexpectedly at the SUA Calabasas' John and Juliana Gensley Native Garden.The foul smelling flower, which was not planted by SUA staff, recently bloomed,attracting flies.
I am very interested in identifying my plant.and I thank you ever so much for your help.Every picture i have found on the net says voodoo lily??? Where can i look next to properly ID my plant?
Elsewhere I have also pointed out that conventionally voodoo lily is not the same as dragon arum. Apparently the similarity between the two has resulted in the voodoo lily common name recently becoming used for the dragon arum as well. In years past local retail outlets had the voodoo lily bulbs for sale but the dragon arum was only seen in gardens, now the dragon arum can be found in garden centers but not the voodoo lily. Maybe this change in commercial availability has something to do with the transference of common name.
Here are some photos. I hope that I am doing this the right way. There have been a total 9 blooms so far. 6 of which have opened fully and 3 still budding.
I think that I figured out the picture posting process so here are some current bloom pics and plant specs for you. Plant dim's 65" tall X 44" wide Blooms are approx 24" legnth X 10" wide If anyone can provide a good ID on this plant please let me know. Also, if any other info or pictures are needed just let me know. Thank you for your interest!
yes i just got a bulb of a voodoo lily from a friend, it takes about 20 years for a small bulb to bloom, and when it blooms, it smells like something dead
Ron thank you for the Id . Have you ever seen a dragon arum with as many blooms as this one has (9) ?And every year, more. Last year (7)blooms. And if I could ask you.Where would I find out info on how to grow the plant from seeds? Thank you again for your time.
Ron, just so I am clear on the ID of my plant.You are saying that it is a dragon arum? And the voodoo lily is (dacunculus vulgaris) ?
Hi Jgibson @ all lovers of stinky plants, it's all hollow words using common names, I think! When googling for Voodoo Lily I recieve 3 genus(ses?) on the first results-page, look here: http://images.google.de/images?q=voodoo+lily&hl=de&btnG=Bilder-Suche Amorphophallus - Typhonium (Sauromatum) - Dracunculus Voodoo lily is as common to stinky bulbous aroids as Palm to Yucca, Dracaena and Nolina (Beaucarnea). And is one of them a real lily (a real palm)? They are n o t ! When using common names one has o be aware of misunderstandings.
Dracunculus Vulgaris flowers with leaves out. Sauromatum Venosum flowers off of a bulb is also called Voodoo lily or Monarch of the east. I have both, I grow both of them outside all year round, dispite the greenhouse only warning on the Sauromatum Venosum.
How long have you had your (dacunculus) and how many blooms have you had ,in one season?And do you know how long the plant keeps blooming?The plant I have had 9 blooms this year, two of them did not fully open,the plant started to run out of energy and it is now on the way back to the ground.As it does each year.Any tips on how to grow the seeds. I am a complete novice.THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY.
I've had this particular plant for about nine years, it usually blooms in late spring, or early summer. Short lived flowers it varies as to how many I get each year . Max 12 so far.(probably because of winter weather.) I've never tried to sow the seeds, but as it is from canary islands, mediterranean, and Maderia I would suggest bottom heat. I separate offsets in the autumn, or spring.
I must admit to some confusion. I do try to handle the Latin as it is the common ground worldwide for plants. I have Amorphophallus Konjac 'Voodoo Lily' as the ID (and the plant as well) here. The posted photos seem right as does the odor. Can anyone clear this up? Thanks!
Amorphophallus Konjac totally different again. Has the same growth style as Sauromatum Venosum which is the Voodoo lily, Flower looks totally different, and a lot bigger. Show me a picture, I'll tell you which it is.