Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by vicarious1, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    We have this Cypress the ONLY privacy to the back lane upwards
    the snow cracked one branch
    its NOT dead dont know will it survive I really would love the ball shape to survive

    I tried to wanted to put a rope around and lift it and attach up
    but the upper branches are not thick and strong enough to hold it up
    the broken branch is VERY heavy I wanted to put some sort ot
    big band with wire.but could not

    The builder crashed under the tree X dark beer bottles years ago I discovered
    its a NO GO or SIT zone and its steep.

    Can I just push a PLANK/piece of a pine tree stump I have
    underneath to hold it up vertically?
    Do you think it will survive without doing anything else?
    What to put on the brake the is not all the way through I guess
    Mercuro chrome won't do the trick :-)
    I thought of HONEY or something sticky...
    Thank you

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  2. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Could you place a strong metal stake behind the bush and pull its weight up on to it to bring the branch back up. This may only work if the branch is not too damaged. I would just leave it andnot doctor with ointments. Alternativley you could remove it and plant a young one in front of it to grow into the space.

    Or plant a new one and start again. Keep it tightly clipped so it does not get to sloppy

  3. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    thank you Lix for all your replies WILL TRY to safe it
    dont want to cut and wait to grow another one too much I want my privacy and the people always peeking over the fences
    in the back lanes to see WHAT CAN I GET ...etc.. there is a school not far away...
    but will go on to do some clipping ...Thank you so much

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