I inherited a yukka plant which is growing really well. The problem is is that one stem is too tall for our lounge and the other shoots off to the side and we have to balance it on top of a speaker!! I have read up on taking cuttings etc but before I do this I need to know if it is ok to cut both stems off to re-plant leaving just the root and stump in the existing pot? How much stem do I need to keep on the top part where the leaves are? Also, what is the best tool for cutting them? Your help would be greatly appreciated!
If you're not refering to Dracaena, then your Yucca is probably Yucca elephantipes. If your goal is just size reduction, new shoots will form on the remaining 'stump' after you cut it. Leave at least 4" of the stalk but you can cut it off at any height above that. The pieces you cut (with the leaves) can be rooted to make new plants. Ideally, you want 6-8" of stalk below the last leaves. Check out this link for more details www.gwenshealinggarden.ca - Yucca Simon
Hi I have a yukka that I planted only about 6 months ago (then about 1m high). It is growing very fast (now about 1.6m tall) and has developed three offshoots at ground level. They are also growing well (with about 20 leaves each up to 400mm long) but as yet they do not have any bare stalk showing (as no leaves are falling off). I want to cut them off, as its getting too crowded, and plant them elsewhere. I found the comments below very helpful (and the linked site too). However my questions are - will they grow ok with no stalk showing yet? Should I pull some leaves of?Will the original plant be OK with three offshoots cut off at the ground line? Thanks for your help Carlos
I planted a Yucca from taking the offshoots of leaves with no trunk-from a dying trunk-- and planting in soil . They are doing fine. any idea how long it might take to get a woody trunk?