Hi there, Since the blooming was done on the older branch while a new branch emerged from the older one, we were going to cut it down to about 3 cms from the first bloom. However, we accidently cut the main stem before the 2 stems. We currently have the severed branch covered in moss and wrapped with plastic wrap. Is there a better or correct way to save this branch? Thanks!
It depends on the type of orchid and the size of the developing buds. I have had Phalaenopsis buds open on stems that had mechanical damage but they were fairly developed already (and produced keiki plants as well later). I just stuck the stem in water with weak fertilizer and changed it once a week. Good luck. Shaun
Thank you for your reply! I will try that once it appears the stem cannot heal itself and grow back together. (Fingers crossed it will) Your plant sounds like it's doing well, so I'm more optimistic about my plant's condition now since it is well developed with 4 flower buds on the stem.